Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Communicating with people is such a difficult procedure. They will assume whatever they want of what you are saying sometimes without being able to look at the bigger picture. It happens to me...it happens to everyone. We are so caught up in our own busyness that we don't really listen to what someone is trying to tell us. We hear the words come out in a sentence that makes sense and is verbalized...yet it  is not being understood. All of our other millions of thoughts are being sifted at the same time. It makes it extremely tough to decipher what the person is trying to convey...and if what the person is trying to say is about emotions...it is more imperative that we listen. We are such unconscious people...all of us. As hard as we may try to stay focused and to be in the moment...this world of technology and too much on the go and just trying to make a decent dollar, to be able to live life is driving us all mad. Mad I say! I am thankful to live on an island where I can take the time to smell the roses more often. Watch the birds and bees and other crazy things in nature. Watch a bug...it is SO in the moment. It hears and sees everything larger than life. I so want to be like that. I want everyone on this whole planet to be like that. There would be no false accusations, blames, mean critiques, miscommunication, hurt feelings, sorrow, rejection, failure...oh life. It is too complicated...well, it's actually us. WE HUGELY complicate it all. Life is quite simple...let it roll. (I am trying to pull my own head out of some hurt right now...talking myself down. Shake it off like a duck!)

Some photos of the last few days of 12:12 should make me feel a little better. It was a nice week. ;o)
Thursday May 24 12:12 pm
Clint...quit biting yer nails!!! One of my pet peeves...(why do I even let it bother me so? It's the sound...the sound of grinding nail on tooth...yuck. My ears feel the noise right now...yikes!) What a beautiful day it was...sunny and warm. We took the doggies down to the beach again...Larry loves to catch the ball there. (he does not get that he can bring it back yet) It is always a fun time leaving the house and going for some fresh air and happy times at the beach with Clint, Maggie and Larry. The Family! (too bad Wensday can not tag along.)
Friday May 25 12:12 pm
(clearly, I love beach walk time...my mouth is open with glee second day in a row!) hee hee I love having the truck to drive around. Both dogs can comfortably sit in the back. We can have a bowl of water and treats. The back windows are tinted (oooh, classy!) so it keeps it shaded back there for the hot and sunny days. The seats flip right down so they can be as dirty as they want. It is a good time vehicle...I can't wait to take it out on a camping trip or two! Summer!!! Oh yeah...and canoe time too. We finally have a vehicle with which to lug our canoe about. woo hoo!! (I'm even more excited now!)
Saturday May 26 12:12 pm
I was preparing to leave home for the Farmer's Market down at the Agi Hall. Gabriola does not just offer up the very best organically grown veggies and herbs and other garden treats...the market here also is chock full of amazing artists. I love to go and check out all of the tables. So many talented people live on this tiny little island. You can find handmade silver jewelry, beaded crystal jewelry, leather jewelry, necklaces that have been crocheted and adorned with lovely ceramic characters and flowers, ceramic mugs and bowls and funky things, cards and paintings, kids clothing, tie dyed clothing, wood carving, soaps and other bath/body products...there is just so much!! For some of the works there, you can look at these sites...Lindsay, Kate, Mariko, Laura, Ranza...those are the only sites I know by heart!
Sunday May 27 12:12 pm
Where else would we be? The beach!! We were just getting ready to leave and I was like..."It's 12:12!!" Clint took this photo. I am taking the opportunity to love him. :o) Our walk was earlier today as we were heading to Mudge Isand for our friend Lisa's 40th birthday party. (Oh, I love going to Mudge. It is my dream to live there one day...I WILL make that happen. Even though my parents think that is a nutty thing to do! lol) I love being closest to nature...I find it calming in the storm that is our existence. I love how I can just relax and enjoy the smells sounds and sights of all of it surrounding me. Total peace. (yeah, yeah...call me a hippy. it is just a sweet thing to love.)
Monday May 28 12:12 pm
Who's an excited boy?? Larry!! What a cutie! Today was special. It was the first walk at Drumbeg with Larry. It is definitely Maggie's favourite beach walk. It is also Clint and my favourite spot on all of Gabriola. So much of it reminds me of Manitoba...of the Canadian Shield. It is impressive. I love it. The point on the north side of the bay is the sweetest spot when tide is low. Flat sandstone...huge area coming down to one point. It is an awesome spot. I imagine doing something like renewing my vows of marriage and forever love to Clint there. It is definitely a special space. :o) We have been talking about taking Larry here for the last few days...feeling he is ready to leave the regular beach that we have gotten him used to. Time to do more exploring...maybe a forest walk soon!

Okay...now here is the pic of the week. This was taken this morning. I had to close the gate at the front stairs to keep Larry from running out and chasing a deer that was in the yard. She didn't mind Maggie...don't even know if Maggie saw her. She didn't mind Wensday...usually Wensday tries to run after deer! She didn't mind me and Larry standing on the deck staring at her. (I was trying to teach Larry that other wildlife is okay...they need not be chased!) I eventually took Larry out on his leash to walk him in and around the deer. She kept eating. Then walked near Wensday. Like a stand off! She eventually walked back into the forest. What a nice moment with all four animals. :o)
 All right...goodnight! It is almost 12:12 am!! ;op

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