Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Are they trying to tell us something???

I believe that animals are far more advanced with thought than we they use at least 10% of their brains also. But, maybe that 10% that they have tapped into allows them to function in a far more superior mode than us humans. I am not saying that animals are smarter than us...although they are far more intelligent than "some" humans I have had contact with. What I am saying, is that perhaps not enough credit is given to them in the whole "let's learn from them" aspect.

Take for instance, a dog that due to cancer or other illness has to have one of it's limbs amputated. Now that is a pretty harsh thing for any living being to go through...I can't imagine. (being born with one arm, I have not had to re-adjust my way of doing things or deal with phantom pain and the whole psychological affect it can have on one self) I can imagine that it brings about a whole new way of looking at life and the world and of course the way we do things. When a human has a limb removed, it can take years of adaptation and self acceptance and all of that whole lovely "new you" package. When an animal has a limb removed it gets back up on its "leftover" limbs and keeps on keeping on. I am sure the very first thought once they are off the anesthesia and on their feet again is..."what the...hmmm...this is different than before I went to sleep. And hey, the pain in my leg is gone. Sweet. Let's rock!" And off they go. They figure out the whole balance thing and never look back. They aren't feeling sorry for their self...why did this happen to me? Shit happens...I believe you can find that phrase on t-shirts AND bumper stickers. So that means it's true right? ha ha ha. Well it is true. For real. Bad stuff happens in everyone's lives at any given time. And we just have to roll with it. Not get caught up in it. Once you are in the head space of non-acceptance you are taking away from your own happiness. YOU create your own happiness. We all create our just be happy with what you have happy that you still have life in you and friends and family and you can breathe. Breathing is good...real good. In a nut shell, animals can teach us perseverance and acceptance of the way things are and the way things happen. It's all good. That is what they are saying to us.

I get these emails once in a while from friends that are photos of amazing nature interactions. You know...the momma cat breastfeeding a fawn, et cetera. I remember the first time I saw two animals who shouldn't be friends, get along as only best friends can. The Fox and the Hound! Yes, I know that it is only a cartoon made by Disney...but as a child, I believed that cartoons, and my stuffed animals were real, (maybe I still do) and they made me feel good. To me, knowing that a hound dog that is bred to chase and capture foxes still manages to make best friends with his "prey"...makes me feel like all can be good in the world. A photo I remember seeing as a child, that struck me as so beautiful, was of an alligator with a little yellow bird on it's head. That alligator could just open it's huge wide mouth and swallow that bird whole. But he doesn't...they are friends. The most recent photo I saw was of three cheetahs about to pounce and eat for dinner a sweet little baby impala whose "family" all ran off when the cheetahs made their presence known. This little dude just did not have the stamina to run as fast or as far. So he was caught. :o( Well, that is how the wild kingdom goes...shouldn't feel bad about it. At least they don't cage and feed their prey to fattenthem up before the slaughter a whole lot of them. Anyways...these three cheetahs didn't eat her/him. They kind of cuddled and loved and then walked away leaving the impala unharmed...probably bewildered too. I like to think that all of this action happened for a reason. Perhaps these cheetahs had been followed and photographed by this particular photographer for that whole day, or even several days in a row. Maybe they were tired of a human being around waiting for some action. So they served it up real fine. The cheetah's were trying to tell us something through this patient and photo saavy character. "Yeah, we eat meat. We hunt it and catch it and eat it and share the nutrition with our pack...our family. And we are satisfied for a while...and then we do it again. We are wild animals and this is how we survive. We are near the top of our food chain and this is how it works. But we also respect those animals that we call our "prey". They too have families they have to take care of and love. And we think that is what life is about. Family...and taking care of them. We share this land with many. And we must love and respect all that live here. Hey Human! Are you the same way in your land? Do you love and respect all those around you?" Maybe that is what they are trying to say?

I am not 100% sure of what the animals are saying...I can only imagine and dream about it. I do know that they are still innocent. I know that we as a human race do not give proper respect to them...we use them far too much to gain things for ourselves. Listen to them. Watch them. Learn from them. They have much to say...but they don't use words. Remember that we too are we also need to respect ourselves.

Peace out animals!! ;o)

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